Monday 17 October 2011

Researching Audience For My Movie

"The most frequent cinema goers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits.The most frequent cinemagoers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits.The most frequent cinemagoers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits".

Most of my target audience are male and inbeetween 15 and 24 so I will need to investigate and research other intrests and hobbies that these people have , so that I can put my advertising in the correct place.

If I was to advertise in a bingo hall and I was trying to attract the attention of 15 - 24 year olds then I would be wasting my time, correct research before advertising or releasing your film can make your movie a success but at the same time poor research can kill your film.

I have already researched the best time to release horror movies and its haloween , this is perfect for me as we are in october and haloween is at the end of the month. This is the best time of year as it brings in the the biggest horror audiences.

The director of my movie is going to be David Cronenberg who is famous for directing some of the most succesful horror movies in history.

He will bring a buzz to my movie and people will come to see it as they will be expecting good things from such a well known director.

I want my film to be certificate age 15 because if it's as high as 18 then that takes a large chunk out of my potential target audience which could potential lead to the movies failure.

Im going to spend most of my advertising budget on a really good movie trailer , because a good trailer can tell you everything you want to know about a movie before you see and it can be shared around the internet getting your film publicity for free. If you were to use a poster though you would have to pay for every single one and it still wouldn't get as much attention as the trailer.

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