Monday 27 February 2012

Feeback on trailer for Zombie Hoes

How do you feel the trailer was succesful?

- The soundtrack went well with the genre of film chosen , camera work was good.
- Yes , in many ways - liked music concept
- Music was iconic and fitted in well with genre
- The music and ending was mysterious
- Yes - you wonder whats going to happen at the end

Did it contain the codes and conventions of the appropriate genre ?
- It did slighty as it had zombies in it and was gloomy
- Yes it did
-Yes , yes it did

Would it sit comfortably alongside other trailers for the certificate ?

For low budget horror/comedy I think it does
Yes - I do feel however the ending was a bit of a let down
It could be rated alot lower than 18

How does it appeal to its target audience ?

Dark spooky horror
could have been for all young people
Its a horror - horrors are over 15/18
I think the target audience would approved

Are the following appropriate -

Font yes , no , yes , yes , n/a n/a

Images no , no , yes , yes , yes

Wording yes , yes , yes , n/a , n/a

Tagline n/a n/a n/a n/a

Colours yes dark , dark creepy , dark , dark , yes

How do you think this trailer could be improved ?

If you could see the people in the shed a bit better

Better Ending

Made the contrast darker .
Some shots where to long
You could have slighty more detail for example more of a story line
Needed different scenes

- Ending hint at things to come hook to engage audiences curiosity -

Add some credits to the end

Any other constructive comments

Need a tagline - Need to entice viewers

Any other constructive comments?

Monday 7 November 2011

Poster For My Film

I will release my film at halloween, as this is the time of year when most people want to go see horror movies.

Monday 17 October 2011

Researching Audience For My Movie

"The most frequent cinema goers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits.The most frequent cinemagoers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits.The most frequent cinemagoers tend
to be aged 15–24 – teenagers, students,
young adults. They are the most
voracious media consumers of any
age group, and although television
remains popular, the internet usually
plays a central role in their lives. More
than half of 15–24 year-olds in the UK
visit the cinema at least once a month
– it’s a favourite out-of-home leisure
activity for young people – but overall,
just a quarter of the population goes
that often.

The cinema audience is broadening
slightly as the population ages and
diversifies. The average number of
visits per person works out at 2.8 a
year, up from barely one a year in the
mid-1980s. Yet this is a lower
frequency than in other countries
such as Ireland, Australia, the US and
Canada, and the industry is working
to encourage more visits".

Most of my target audience are male and inbeetween 15 and 24 so I will need to investigate and research other intrests and hobbies that these people have , so that I can put my advertising in the correct place.

If I was to advertise in a bingo hall and I was trying to attract the attention of 15 - 24 year olds then I would be wasting my time, correct research before advertising or releasing your film can make your movie a success but at the same time poor research can kill your film.

I have already researched the best time to release horror movies and its haloween , this is perfect for me as we are in october and haloween is at the end of the month. This is the best time of year as it brings in the the biggest horror audiences.

The director of my movie is going to be David Cronenberg who is famous for directing some of the most succesful horror movies in history.

He will bring a buzz to my movie and people will come to see it as they will be expecting good things from such a well known director.

I want my film to be certificate age 15 because if it's as high as 18 then that takes a large chunk out of my potential target audience which could potential lead to the movies failure.

Im going to spend most of my advertising budget on a really good movie trailer , because a good trailer can tell you everything you want to know about a movie before you see and it can be shared around the internet getting your film publicity for free. If you were to use a poster though you would have to pay for every single one and it still wouldn't get as much attention as the trailer.

SWOT Chart

Strengths – Will be released near Halloween which is the best time of year to release a horror movie.
British movies get a lot of support because they relate to British audiences better.
Weaknesses – Will be filmed and created on a very low budget.
Can’t afford good actors.
Opportunities – My movie will open up opportunities for people to bring new ideas into my movie and create a new sub-genre of an original horror movie.
Threats – Lots of other horror movies will be released around the same time, so my film will have to compete with everyone else’s.

Monday 3 October 2011

Reaserch Log Book

I decided to choose the genre Horror because I have a fairly extensive knowledge of movies past and present which makes my work easier because I have good ideas on where to start.
To start I went to and typed in “The Shining” because I know this to be one of the most famous horror movies of all time. I also went on to because they have a huge collection of posters for movies and loads of information about the movies in the same way that IMDB does.
Once I gathered all the posters, I got information about the movies e.g. storylines and budgets and put them all into my work. I analysed the posters and explained what thoughts they would provoke with the demographic and what devices the advertisers had used to provoke them.
All the posters are obviously based on horror movies with names like “Evil Dead” and pictures of knives and an angry faced it’s very clear.
I had to produce a PowerPoint explaining all the details of my movie idea as far as distribution and advertising goes. I referred to companies like the FDA film distribution association because this is something they specialise in.
I included photos of advertising from previous movies within the horror genre to show examples of movies that have been successful in the genre I want to be working in.

Monday 26 September 2011

Researching Using Libary Database

I was able to find information about the movie "Kill Bill" using the Libary Database.

"Reuniting Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman, who teamed up so modishly for Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill: Vol 1 is one of Tarantino's better genre–melding action films. Thurman plays a high–kicking assassin seeking bloody vengeance on her old boss, Bill. By turns daft and violent, the film is a visual knockout".

The database also had information about "Four weddings and a funeral" starring Hugh Grant.

The best of Richard Curtis's romcoms about awfully nice chaps dithering over frightfully pretty girls. Hugh Grant plays bumbling Charles, who, ah, er, can't tell what's, um, going on between him and Carrie (Andie MacDowell), whom he keeps bumping into at weddings.