Monday 27 February 2012

Feeback on trailer for Zombie Hoes

How do you feel the trailer was succesful?

- The soundtrack went well with the genre of film chosen , camera work was good.
- Yes , in many ways - liked music concept
- Music was iconic and fitted in well with genre
- The music and ending was mysterious
- Yes - you wonder whats going to happen at the end

Did it contain the codes and conventions of the appropriate genre ?
- It did slighty as it had zombies in it and was gloomy
- Yes it did
-Yes , yes it did

Would it sit comfortably alongside other trailers for the certificate ?

For low budget horror/comedy I think it does
Yes - I do feel however the ending was a bit of a let down
It could be rated alot lower than 18

How does it appeal to its target audience ?

Dark spooky horror
could have been for all young people
Its a horror - horrors are over 15/18
I think the target audience would approved

Are the following appropriate -

Font yes , no , yes , yes , n/a n/a

Images no , no , yes , yes , yes

Wording yes , yes , yes , n/a , n/a

Tagline n/a n/a n/a n/a

Colours yes dark , dark creepy , dark , dark , yes

How do you think this trailer could be improved ?

If you could see the people in the shed a bit better

Better Ending

Made the contrast darker .
Some shots where to long
You could have slighty more detail for example more of a story line
Needed different scenes

- Ending hint at things to come hook to engage audiences curiosity -

Add some credits to the end

Any other constructive comments

Need a tagline - Need to entice viewers

Any other constructive comments?